Capuchins Kenya @ 50

Most High Glorious God, we thank You, because by your Holy Will and through Your only Son and the Holy Spirit You created all things, spiritual and material.

We give you thanks because, as You created us through Your Son Jesus Christ, so by the Holy Love with which You loved us You willed Your Son to be born true God and true Man of the Glorious and Holy Virgin Mary, and through his Holy Cross He has redeemed the whole world.

Through Your infinite mercy, you called the little poor man of Assisi, Francis, to observe the Gospel of your Son through a life of penance. His commitment to the Gospel, attracted many men and women to a life dedicated to you alone. Our missionary Brothers from Malta embraced the spirit of St. Francis in the Capuchin Franciscan Order and desiring to make disciples for the Kingdom, fifty years ago, they left their land and brought the charism of St. Francis to Kenya.

From their witness to Christ, many young Kenyan men were attracted to the Capuchin way of life and responded by joining them. We thank You for their missionary zeal, dedication and love for You. As we celebrate fifty years of the Franciscan Capuchin Friars’ presence in Kenya, we thank you Lord for all those who have helped in one way or another in living the Franciscan Capuchin Charism. We beseech You Lord to continue guiding us in the right path, so that through the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi and all the Franciscan Saints, we may live a life of dedicated service to You and to our brothers and sisters, especially the less privileged of our society.

Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory be…