Our Communities

St Jude Friary- Westlands

Is situated along Raphta road- Westlands, Nairobi and hosts the Custodial Curia and St. Jude Chapel. The plot was acquired in 1982, and after modifications and refurbishment, the friars started staying here.

St. Padre Pio- Langata

This friary is home to the Capuchin brothers under ongoing formation. It is located in Langata- Nairobi. The first branch of students moved into this friary on 15th April 1990

St. Bridget Community- Eastleigh

This community is situated in the Eastleigh area of Nairobi. It hosts, a Dispensary, a Primary School and a Friary.

Umoja Friary- Mpeketoni

Established in 1990 as the initial formation house. It hosts brothers in Aspiarancy and Postulancy. This friary is situated in Mpeletoni, Malindi Diocese, Lamu County.

St Veronica Guliani Community – Kithyoko

The only Catholic Parish in Rusinga Island, Homabay County was established in 2008 to serve the residents of the island.

St Joseph Girls Kakrigu

This school is situated in Rusinga Island and is administrated by the friars living in Kakrigu Parish- Homabay Diocese.

Mission Communities

Some of the friars are working in Papua New Guinea, Zambia, South Africa and the Capuchin province of California.